Article 1. Name
The name is Spikey.
Article 1. Name
Responsible Learners Institute
Article 2. Registered Office
Article 3. Purpose
The Institute is established exclusively for educational, scientific, and charitable purposes. The objects for which the Institute is established are
A. the establishment and maintenance of an institute of technology specialising in teaching and research programs in selected areas of importance to the community and to the nation such as digital technology and control systems;
B. to promote for the public benefit the advancement and dissemination of knowledge in selected areas;
B. to develop high professional, educational and ethical standards for practitioners in selected areas and promote such standards in the United Kingdom and overseas,
D. to develop, organise and promote programmes of education and training and research in securities and investments for the public benefit;
Article 1. Name and Purpose
Article 1. Name and Purpose
Article 1. Name and Purpose