Dr. Vladimir Portnykh is a mathematician who specializes in Functional Analysis and Active System Theory. Mathematics Genealogy Project contains his personal record. In 1998 Vladimir received an MS in Mathematics with highest honors from Voronezh State University (VSU). V. Portnykh's academic advisor, professor Boris Sadovskij, was a student and co-author of a famous mathematician: Mark Krasnoselskij. While in Russia Vladimir has published 15 research papers in various academic journals and three scientific monographs. In 2001 Vladimir's thesis was defended before the Dissertation Council of V. A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences also known as The Institute of Automatics and Telemechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 
Vladimir's strength lies in his ability to combine theory with its practical applications with a particular focus on using modern computer technologies. As an inventor of a number of internationally patented ideas in the field of digital media, Vladimir knows that research is an integral part of commercial success.
Dr V. Portnykh is a very passionate teacher and mentor, who truly enjoys teaching mathematics. He is a keen supporter of constructivist teaching and learning in math, who has experience and expertise in promoting and supporting the development of computational thinking of students.